How to Preserve your Wooden Furniture?

Wooden furniture adds a sense of style, charm and glamour to your home in a suave way with its elegant appeal and attractive appearance. Any wooden piece is worthy of all notability and attention. Maintaining furniture and its beauty can be a job, but is beneficial at the same time.

Mostly, furniture items are not purchased routinely and for this very reason extra care and attention should be given for its maintenance. It is also important to know and understand, what helps and what can be uncertain for its maintenance.

One must keep in mind certain rules and regulations before purchasing any kind of furniture and maintaining them. Certain actions should also be avoided to cut down the damages to the furniture.

One must follow some guidelines when it comes to maintaining furniture to let your ideal wooden piece stay the way it is, as when purchased. By doing this, the furniture can be more durable and unfading. 

Here are a few valuable guides and effective tips that can help you maintain your furniture better to hold back to its best form.

  • To keep the furniture in the right direction with correct environment conditions for its longevity.
  • To use a tablecloth on a wooden table/surface if exposed to sunlight.
  • You can also use a plastic cover to protect the furniture from the harmful flashes of sunrays.
  • To clean the furniture regularly using a soft, dry cotton cloth even if its dust resistant, for a sparkling shine.
  • Fair amount of dusting also helps in maintaining the aesthetics aspects of the furniture undamaged.
  • Use a soft cloth, dipped in lukewarm water to wipe off the dust on the outer surface of the furniture.
  • You can also use a mild dish soap with warm water to wear off the dust with a soft cotton cloth, without soaking in it for a longer time. Dry well the surface after cleaning it.
  • To retain the beautiful shine of the furniture, put on a thin coat of oil or paste wax, leaving it for about good five minutes. Then, gently rub it with a soft cloth/soft brush to appear as new.
  • Use a suitable permanent marker pen or a shoe-polish to cover any crack or scratch on the furniture.
  • Use a mild abrasive like, baking soda mixed with toothpaste for cleaning and polishing.


  • Do not place the furniture under direct sunlight. This may lead to fading of the wood and cracking.
  • Do not keep the furniture in the extreme moist conditions as well.
  • Do not use the furniture for other purposes which is not designed for.
  • Do not overlook the damage if the furniture has any and carry on using it that way.
  • Do not keep any hot or cold objects on the wooden furniture. This may warp the appearance and existing texture of the surface.
  • Keep away from any sharp items on the wooden surface to avoid scratches.
  • Do not use any bleach to clean the wooden surface as this may result in discoloration.
  • Do not keep the furniture close to any heat or air vents, radiators, air conditioning portions or wooden stoves.
  • Do not drag the furniture roughly to move it across.
  • Refrain from using any cleaning spray on the furniture if it does not have any plastic coating on it.

These maintenance tips can help you keep your furniture beautiful and add years to the life of your beautiful furniture that will indeed add on to your happy space.


  • It is the helpful information to maintain the beauty of the Furniture.

  • Useful information to preserve our wooden furniture.


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